Swiggy Customer Care Number

Gone are the days when you could have found a number for Swiggy Customer Care and called them to tell your problem straight away. Rather instead of IVRS, now you chat with their BOT support first before it decides to assign you a chat representative.

So at the time of this publishing, Swiggy does not have a customer care number and if you need to contact them then please do so using your APP or Swiggy web account by going to help section and selecting your issue from the list they provide. Alternatively, if your issue is not urgent, you can also email their support directly at support@swiggy.in

Tip: Please do not search for customer care numbers online on Google or any other search engine. Rather visit the official company website or APP to find out the help or contact us section (all companies always have one available so you just need to look a bit).

– Team ReviewItIndia

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